So today's world is all about the smaller the better, the shorter the quicker. Nobody has time for long drawn out movies or thick small texted books That's why in today's world we have 5 minute cellphone shot movies and 140 character twitter "books". So why the hell not for DJ's??? Who really has time to sit through your perfectly constructed rollercoaster of a 2 hour DJ set?? So why not bang out a 10 minute minimix! Cram as many songs as you like, and make that rollercoaser ride, but in 10 minutes! I mean that's all I have time for these days anyway!!
Here's the first of many minimixes by Das Kapital and the inspiration behind the idea!
Minimal Monday Micromix Vol. I by Das Kapital
And be sure to catch him this coming Friday evening at the lastest Brick City Black Edition at Fiction DJ bar. This is a sick as fuck party brand so don't miss out!
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