Idioteque: Haha, well.. I was thinking of names. Coming up with things like Beetlejuice and Jack Frost, when my friend calls me an idiot for coming up with such kak names. So being French, French has a lot of words with words ending in teque I added a "eque" to the end of "idiot"
and typed into google, to find that there was a song named that which I liked, so i chose it then and there!
MTTM: Haha nice 'n interesting indeed! Tell me about your music style, what you play and who has influenced you locally to get into DJjing?
Idioteque: Well locally, Das Kapital has influenced me the most, I heard at a him at a few house party's way back and I wanted to do whatever he was doing on those decks! Then i heard HAEZER and that basically concreted the idea of becoming a DJ in my head. Hard thrashing Electro is what we do best!!
MTTM: So you also going to be producing tracks as well, infact you have already done some production, tell us more, whats in the pipeline for the future?
Idioteque: Well, we will be coming out with two remixes soon, and then were just going full out at producing some right out dirt. We really want to set ourselves as Electro producers first and then maybe spill out some dubstep tunes later on.
MTTM: Sick! So what kind of toys do you guys use and play with?
Idioteque: Well Jasper has a studio at his house, not state of the art but all we need to produce.
MTTM: What kinda gear and software?
Idioteque: We are using Reason 5 and Cubase at the moment but are planning to get into Ableton for our future work.
MTTM: Ive seen some pic's doing the rounds and of you with an APC40, we looking forward to some "live" Idioteque shows!! ?
Idioteque: Yeah, we recently got the Akai APC40, its a mean mean grinding machine haha!!!
MTTM: Well gents, thanks for your time and looking forward to thrashing it out with you at the Dansville event! (MTTM represented with JoNNY RoboTIX & LG Fritz B2Bing it!!)