So we going to do random mini-interviews with whoever we feel you ought to know more about.
So with no further crappings on, I give you Dubfish!!!!!!
MTTM: Well first up is to ask about the name, what's all this fishy business about!?
Dubfish: Well my surname is Fisher so my nickname is Fish. I'm dubstep crazy so my
friends and school mates associate me with the genre to quite an extreme.
Basically I just combined the two. Was thinking of changing it to DJ Whale Fish or DJ SafeSex.
MTTM: Hahaha yes to DJ SafeSex, Guuuuvament will love it! You could get yourself
some LoveLife gigs. Not going to go too "indepth" about why you wana be called
SafeSex haha!
MTTM: Dude, tell me whats your inspiration behind finding all this music and posting it a few
times a day. We always seeing it on your FB profile, we likey!
Dubfish: I have a great passion for music. There is sooo much good music out there and it
needs to be shared and promoted. Also sometimes I'm just procrastinating
studying or what not. People seem to dig the music I find, so I might as well use the
ability as best I can. I really dig finding new music that brings something different.
MTTM: Ya we agree dude! Followed a few of the tracks you have posted and they have been
sick. Tell me what equipment you using for your mixes.
Dubfish: Well at the moment just my pc with whatever software works well. At the moment I'm
using Traktor Scratch pro. But at a gig I'll use whatevers there. I should be getting a
Vestax Typhoon quite soon through George Daniel from Dj Hookups. Really good
MTTM: Any ambitions to get into production?
Dubfish: Ye totally amped for production. Mainly I've been doing some remix competitions. I
entered the Pendulum - The Island one as well as the Felix Cartal - Love One. Nothing
spectacular though.
MTTM: What you using?
Dubfish: Mainly just FL STUDIO 9 for most of it. For the Love One track I just took the stems
and did a DJ mix with them. Was more fun than anything else.
MTTM: Well man, we going to keep these mini-interview things short and sweet so thats all
we got time for. Glad I got to know what you about a bit better and thats the whole
idea behind these interviews.
Dubfish: No problem. Shot a lot!!
Dubfish Drum and Bass Mashup Minimix by Dubfish
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